Local Rights Based Activism

Hey folks in case your wondering what all the fuss is about check out my local Activism in Newport, Oregon.


Siletz River Gorge has been clearcut by corporate logging. These interests are owned by large Wall Street Hedge funds. 90% of Lincoln County is owned by Corporate Logging but they manage only to pay 3.5% of property taxes. That means you and I that are home owners and small business pay for them to ship logs to China for huge profits. This leaves the folks of Lincoln County out in the cold.

Siletz River Gorge has been clearcut by corporate logging. These interests are owned by large Wall Street Hedge funds. 90% of Lincoln County is owned by Corporate Logging but they manage only to pay 3.5% of property taxes. That means you and I that are home owners and small business pay for them to ship logs to China for huge profits. This leaves the folks of Lincoln County out in the cold.


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